Reviews of ADAMA BEVERAGES Ltd - Yola

Here you will find reviews about ADAMA BEVERAGES Ltd. All reviews are checked and confirmed by our administrator, so these reviews you can trust.
2 Reviews
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How I got heal from Chronic Ulcer
It was 2016 when I was in Northeast fighting and defending my Nation Nigeria, that I became very sick, my friends and colleagues are already saying that I have HIV.
I when for various test including the HIV test only to come out negative. I was fair, I became dark, I stood almost 10× daily.
I when for another test, I was positive with chronic ulcer, Someone then recommended Faro Table Water for me, Faro water is a miracle healing water.Today I want to use this platform to tell Nigerians and the whole world that there is a miracle healing water when you drink Faro Table Water.
Today I am no more in Northeast, I am back home in Niger Delta region only discover that we don't have this miracle healing water that save my life.
Please I want the management of Faro Table Water, to let Nigerians benefit from this water.
In conclusion, let me be an eye runner in distributing and marketing this product to the Southern and Western parts of Nigeria at larger.

Gives you a soothing sensation, like you literally taste the fruit in the beverage.
Been drinking Faro juice for a while now. Compared to other beverage,Faro offers more,not just the taste but also in packaging and delivery.Very hygenic also because I actually visited the company few months ago. I am really impressed with the work going on there..
Things to note though, the advertisement section is lagging behind. Advertisement is a vital key in promoting any product effectively.
I'll be glad to share my ideas on how to rapidly promote this beverage not just in Adamawa state but Nigeria at large.
Thank you for your time and I hope these friendly advise is adhere to.