Questions & Answers for Pepsi Football Academy - Lagos

Here you will find questions & answers for Pepsi Football Academy. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
I can't seem to get through to the pepsi football academy located in enugu. The phone number is going through. I need help ????
Am i going to be sponsored to England if my performance is good?
How can I join Pepsi academy and how do I get your whatsapp number
Is the pepsi football academy open during this covid 19 season
I want to join the Pepsi football academy, what are the things that can make it possible, and is there a college and good boarding facility
How can I join the academy and also is the admission open now
If i want to join the academy, how will i do that? and what are the benefits for me joining the academy?

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