GNLD Fibroids Supplements

GNLD Fibroids Supplements
About the product
Fibroids Treatments using Surgery does not get rid of the causes, but only cures the symptoms at a time.
It usually grows back after a short period of time. Causing vaginal dryness, irregular vaginal bleeding, headaches, thinning of the hair, pains in the bones, joints and muscles, loss of sex.

Stay away from caffeine.
Eat more fibre to get away those excess estrogens from your body.

Neolife helpful Nutritionals Supplements and Herbals alternatives will re-balance your system and fertility chances.
These very helpful combinations in;
1. Ami-Tone in 90 Tablets; take 3 tablets 3 hours after your last meal before bedtime.
2. Carotenoid Complex in 90 Capsules; take 2 capsules daily.
3. Chelated Zinc in 100 Tablets; take 2 tablet daily.
4. Cruciferous Plus in 60 Tablets; take 1 tablet daily.
5. Feminine Herbal Complex in 60 Tablets; take 2 tablets daily.
6. Formula IV Plus in 60 Sachets; take 1 sachet daily.
7. Omega-3 in 100 Capsules; take 2 capsules daily.
8. Garlic Allium Complex in 60 Tablets; take 3 tablets daily.

With these entire supplements, you can benefit tremendously from under-going either Hysteectomy or Myomectomy surgery. Nutritionals listed above is your alternative way to MELT OFF every Fibroids disturbing you**

In using Nutritional Supplements; important factors you must know is that it takes a period of almost three months of succesive use of these products to fully encounter it's benefits!

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