treatment of Verruca and fungail treatment

About the product
They are caused by the Human Papilloma virus, of which there may be eighty variants. Like the common cold viruses, they are too small and too varied to develop a specific cure. However, there are many treatments! These may be considered as causing a mild irritation or wound, to stimulate your immune system response.

Fungal nail treatment?

Fungal nail infections ((onychomycosis) are caused by microscopic organisms called fungi that do not require sunlight to survive. Most commonly, is a group of fungi called dermatophytes (such as Candida), a fungus that likes to eat keratin which is  the main component of  the skin and nails.
Traditional over-the-counter treatments,paint,lacquer are ineffective because the active ingredients usually cannot penetrate to the whole of the infection. For the patient, this means months or years of unsightly and often uncomfortable nails introduce Chiropody Clinic introduce an innovative painless treatment CLEARANAIL using Controlled Micro Penetration (CMP) which creates micro pathways in the nail plate allowing deeper access of 0.4mm holes into the plate of infected areas of infection without damaging the nail bed beneath, and allowing treatments to directly access the whole nail bed. This is a low- cost alternative to non-effective laser treatments. Patients experience a pain free procedure-no anaesthesia required.Visible
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