About the product
What we can do for you
Briefing | Tell us all about your dream candidate, including the skills, attributes and experience they need to bring to the role. We can even headhunt for niche roles ensuring you high-level talent.
Sourcing Talent | We advertise roles across various outlets, using a unique combination of trusted job websites, media channels and social media to ensure the job role is seen by the right people.
We also have our pool of more than 1000 professional candidates, readily available. Trusted Staff, Every time

Screening & Short listing | We proofread and check all CVs and personally interview applicants, In Person, Skype or Phone call so that you end up with a shortlist of at least 5 strong candidates.
Final Selection | We will be on hand during the entire interview process, offering advice from interview procedures to contract and salary negotiations.
Follow Up Procedure | The final step is to ensure a happy fit, so six weeks after appointment, we will be in touch with a site visit in person.
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