Get A Personal Loan with Ease

About the product
Are You Employed in the Banking Industry, Insurance Industry or Oil Company? Do You Need A Personal Loan to Take Care of Contingencies, Cash for School Fees, Domestic or Foreign Travel, Pay Urgent Hospital Bill? If You Have Some Financial Needs that Your Friends and Relatives Cannot Immediately Offer Help, then You Can Trust Us to Meet All those Needs with the Personal Instalment Loan. No Collateral Required, Simple Credit Verification Process, Quick Approval and Disbursement of Fund, Convenient Repayment Terms.

Steps to Obtaining A Personal Loan With Ease

Step 1: Send us an email to applying for the required amount;

Step 2: Attach the following documents to the email in support of your loan application:
a. Photocopy of Your ID Card
b. Photocopy of Your Pay Slip
c. Photocopy of Your Bank Statement for the Current 3 – 4 Months
d. Photocopy of Your Retirement Savings Account Statement (RSA)
e. Cross-Guarantee by One of Your Colleagues via email to us; Cross-Guarantor to provide his/her contact details on the email.

Step 3: We will send you an application form via email to be completed and returned to us via email for processing with post dated Cheque in the sum applied for plus 10% Interest per month;

Step 4: Disbursement: Cash will be disbursed 48 hours upon receipt of completed documentation.

You can call these numbers if you need further explanation 08022745124; 08130932309
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