About the product
AdAtm are digital ads displayed on ATM machine screens before, during and after each transaction. It offers an extensive channel for brands to reach and engage with potential customers.
The average customer takes 43 seconds to complete a transaction during this period, ATM users are highly alert and focused on the screen, meaning that brands can enjoy a high quality one-to-one interaction with a customer.

Demographics –Male & Female aged 18 – 60 years+
ATM Network Reach – 1,500+ ATMs Nationwide (Union Bank ATMs Only)
Daily Reach – 10,000,000+ ATM Users Daily
Screen features
Display – Static / Still Ads Only (Jpeg / Png File Type)
Display Duration – 5 Seconds per display / impression served

Cost effective advertising platform impressions start from N10. Intimate one-to-one uncluttered audience engagement
Fully accountable– every single ad is monitored, measured and tracked
Digital and fully flexible– tailor your ad campaign by location, day of week, time of day to improve audience targeting and campaign efficiencies.
ATMs in key retail locations– Offers brands a chance to reach consumers during the “last window of influence”, just before they make a purchase especially for ATMs at Malls etc.

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