Online Marketing / Social Media Marketing

About the product
Social Media Marketing heightens brand awareness. Engaging your social media audience with a strong, brand-focused message will have an enormous impact on your target demographic, while increasing the impact of other primary or peripheral marketing efforts. Dynatech empowers your company’s brand by implementing a multi-faceted social media strategy that transcends your principal marketing goals.
Dynatech combines the collective power of several social media outlets to generate sales, promotions, publicity, awareness, and brand recognition. By leveraging numerous social media outlets, such as: social networking sites, RSS feeds, social news sites, bookmarking sites, video and blogging sites, your campaign will penetrate every social sphere.

A recent survey indicated that nearly 40 million Nigerian adults discover new brands and products via social media before making a purchase. Over 23 million Nigeria adults discovered new brands with social media and nearly 18 million said they referred to social media before making a purchase.
Creating a successful Social Media campaign means your campaign will be backed with statistic and analytical data to gauge the most effective marketing strategy.

Our Dynatech team will have real-time data to gauge and determine the success, and potential alternatives, to managing your campaign.

Dynatech connects your business to specific social networks, generating the traffic necessary to build awareness of your dominant brand.
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