My Reviews

Review for:
Eden Foods Valley Limited

They have the best beans flour and wheat meal.
PS: I am not being paid for this, I just like to appreciate a good product. I am not in anyway affiliated with the company. This is just my honest review.

I love to eat moimoi, akara and gbegiri and honestly processing beans from scratch is so stressful. I came across Eden foods valley beans flour recently and it is just like magic. Moimoi and akara easily without stress. My husband has not rested for me because since I discovered them, we eat moimoi everyday????????. Gosh, I tried so many others before and it was trash but this is the best.

Their wheat meal is also so nice, my kids love to take it as pap coz it has soy whc is sweet and good for kids.

All my women, men, students that love akara and moimoi and gbegiri, I'll advise you try this.

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