Questions & Answers for Holy Trinity Hospital - Ikeja

Here you will find questions & answers for Holy Trinity Hospital. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
I was referred to your hospital from OAK hospital Ikorodu for ear check up
When can I come?
I am refered to your hospital to see dental surgeon.please which day can I come?
Good day, what days in the week can I come for eye clinic?
Good day, why are your contact numbers not reachable ? What days can someone come for dental care in a week ?
Is there a patient there named Sharon Paterson she was in a accident Sunday night with a taxi she was hit from behind and now she is in a coma please confirm with me that she is in there.....???? I am her husband and I'm in the U.S. So I'm trying to find out if she is in your hospital thank you!!!

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