Question for Canada Immigration At Its Best

Question for Canada Immigration At Its Best

How do I apply for the Canada work permit visa and how much will it cost me ?
And and can I pay after I have gotten the visa ?
Dear Explorer, 

Sorry for the late response, we've been busy handling some huge sum of processes lately.
To start with, our processes are paid as the process is going on, one after the other.

Below is a brush on the subject matter : CANADIAN WORKING PERMIT

What’s Needed 

1. CV and LMIA Fee (Labor Market Impact Assessment) 
LMIA Fee = 1,100 CAD

2. Upon the availability of Option 1 as stated above, Submission of your CV to a company you're qualified to work for will be made. And an Email from the Foreign Affairs Coordinator of the company in question will hit you to notify you of their acceptance of your cv resume and LMIA which was submitted.
In a Maximum of 2 to 3 week LMIA is confirmed by the ESDC (Employment and Social Development of Canada)
The foreign affairs coordinator will send an Email to you scheduling for an interview with them, Email stating the day and exact time you're to make yourself available for your Interviewer to connect with you. Upon your confirmation of this Email, I'll coach you on how to answer some certain questions when asked and how to go about answering other questions that may be asked. 
CSQ/CAQ (Certification of Acceptance/Selection of Quebec) may be required after an interview is made and confirmed that the position they'll be offering you is a High Scale Wage position. This CSQ/CAQ is only requested if the proposed position the company is willing to offer you is a High Scale Wage Position. This CSQ/CAQ Fee isn't fixed, it Varies per NOC. But it has always been within the budget of 1,500 CAD to 2,500 CAD

3. Upon the completion of the interview, in less than 7 Working days, Employment is offered. 
The Hiring Manager will be paid for his Job well-done. The Hiring Manager's fee is 1,000 CAD


A hiring manager is a separate body, they are not the employer either, neither are they working under a certain company or the company that we are seeking employment with. They're agents on their own, their duties are to get us a company that can employ you as per their availability . They will screen through your CV, look at your experiences and everything. Then propose the position you'll be qualified for here in Canada. Then they'll explore and initiate a concise search to bubble up a company that needs that which you are eligible for, then share with me. So they're to be paid upon the completion of this service rendered. 

4. After Employment is offered, then we proceed to use the Employment Offer and Contract to secure a Working Permit for you.
This will cost you an accumulated amount of 1,200 CAD

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