Chrysolite Ofada Rice - 5kg White

About the product
Chrysolite Ofada rice-5kg White

Highlights of Chrysolite Ofada Rice

Original, unpolished rice

Cultivated without chemicals

Reduces cholesterol

Protects against atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity etc

Contains phosphorus and fibre which helps fight constipation and bowel disorder

Contains Vitamin B6 and B12

White in colour and free of stones

Chrysolite Ofada Rice ... Original, unpolished rice...White, clean, free of stones with minimal ofada smell. It can also be used to make fried rice, jollof etc...It can be served traditionally in a leaf, with a sauce of 'atarodo'(spicy) and 'tatase'(sweet pepper), onion, locust beans, palm oil and meat. However, it can be served as desired
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