GNLD Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus

About the product
GNLD Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus provides all eight members of the omega 3 family involved in human nutrition, ensuring you get the maximum health benefits.

Scientific evidence has shown that a diet rich in Omega−3 fatty acids fish oil have the following added benefits:

1. Help promote a lifetime of heart health, including support for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
2. Significantly increase the likelihood of heart health among those at greatest risk of high blood pressure and related health diseases
3. Help enhance cardiovascular health by inhibiting blood platelet stickiness.
4. Help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
5. Help the heart maintain normal rhythm.
6. Support smooth arterial flow.
7. Promote mother's health and optimal development of her child's brain, nerves and eyes throughout her pregnancy and breast feeding.
8. Support health over a lifetime, including healthy functioning of the heart, blood vessels, brain, nerves, eyes, skin and joints.
9. Relieve migraine headaches
10. Helps for rheumatism, arthritis and gout
11. Regulates sperm level
12. Reduces inflammation of all type
13. Keep the heart healthy.
14. Decreases the onset of Alzheimer disease and repair of bones in rheumatoid arthritis
Boost brain fats.
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