Voice Training

About the product
The course include discussions on business related subjects, in order to enable the participants to navigate in the artistic and the commercial parts of the business.

The courseEmphasis will be put on the participants’ individual vocal work. Participants will study singing theory and methods in detail:

Support. Working with supporting muscles, understanding the very backbone of support, different sensations of support, support training, understanding the necessary energy needed, detailed study of using support.
Anatomical and physiological study of the vocal organs, the importance of having unhindered vocal cords (open throat).
Detailed study of pronunciation and the importance hereof.
Opening of the mouth for different notes.
Principles for completing a note and for various attacks.
Study of different volumes and safe methods of producing them.
The Three Overall Principles
Theoretical and practical study of range and types of voice.
Voice register, including vocal flageolet, flute register and solving unintentional vocal breaks etc.
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