Dried Oyster Mushrooms

About the product
Dry Oyster Mushrooms (Organically Grown Produce)
Scientific name : (pleorotus ostreatus)
a) Nutritional Values
i) Protein
Protein content of dry weight is between 19% and 35%
ii) Fat
Low rate of fat content between 1-8%
The high content of linollic acids is one of the reasons why mushrooms are considered healthy food.
iii) Vitamins and minerals
Mushrooms are a good source of vitamins such as thiamine (Vitamin B).Riboflavin (vitamin B2), miacine, bio tine and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), folic acid.
They also contain significant amounts of phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and Zinc.
b) Medicinal Values
i) Heart and coronary diseases.
Lower fungi have yielded important medicines like penicillin and other antibiotics from penicillium (a common contaminant in mushroom cultivation). Mushrooms contain substances which lower the cholesterol level in serum and liver which makes it good for those suffering from heart diseases.
ii) Cancer
Mushrooms contain substances, which suppress the growth rate of tumours.
iii) Diabetes
Research in animals indicates that mushrooms like (pleorotus ostreatus) Oyster have a positive effect on diabetes.
iv) Protection against free radicals and infection.
Free radicals can damage body cells and induce cancers. Free radicals are the result of specific transformation process. Many bio active compounds protect the body against these radicals. These substances are often called anti oxidants and are present in many mushrooms. In other words, the body immunity is boosted.
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