Company description
DAHOWORRA is a great society with compassion to their sole admirer. We care for your desire and promise to elevate you from your present floor.
The ritual that we do involve healing, love, harmony, wealth, wisdom, prosperity, elevation in any positions and creativity. The potions that westir might be a headache remedy, a cold tonic, money spell, friendship oil, love casts, or an herbal flea bath for our pets. We strive to gain knowledge of and use the natural remedies and divine powers placed on this earth bythe Divine for our benefit instead of using synthetic drugs unless absolutely necessary or stealing, roberry, killing, persecutions to acquire Money, Fame, Love, earthly properties and happiness. We are saying no to that method of the other Dominated Religions.
Advancement in Show more
the Brotherhood’s degrees of wisdom and power can, however, translate into a virtual guarantee of lifetime security because you are building a power within yourself that can never be taken away. Success is not handed to anyone on a silver platter and only you can guarantee your future happiness.
Please Be Informed that Initiations and advancements are provided to those seeking the wisdom, empowerment and light of the classical African tradition through our fraternity. Our Order, remains true to the classical tradition. Our Order provides the sincere seeker the opportunity to become part of our fraternities, sanctuaries and temples in Nigeria, in Ghana. In addition, we provide astral initiations and advancements for those who seek the light for knowledge and spiritual, magical transformation but do not live by a temple.
All your life difficulties are a minor issue as long as you are a registered member in our great society which was founded by Mugard in 1996 to provide access to DAHOWORRA teachings, comfortableness to our people and religious services to sincere spiritual seekers in and around the world. This group won’t restrict you from attending to your own religion, nor hold church services like other religion do. All we do is to give spiritual understandings, advice, solutions to problems to any of our own who seek for it on our own desirable time and date.
We also initiate into our bloodless Family Society called “EMT” which is pure and free from witchcraft or killings.
As a full initiate member, You stand to gain lots of benefits from your adventure into our world. Three days after initiation or acceptance, you will be given a gift of N30,000,000 for a start up.
After six months of scrutinizing you will be enroll in what we called (FM) FAMILY MONEY, Every one year N200,000,000 will be giving to you. Invest it, use it wisely and make vast profit out of it.
The Occult of DAHOWORRA is a spiritual lighten to the future of the unknown, of richest and success, don’t live the life you can’t control due to your inability of spirituality that sees beyond physical.
We are a group of strong brothers who came from different walks of life for the purpose of alleviating the sufferings of our people DAHOWORRA Brotherhood are most probably the most well known secret society in the world. For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting. Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is dear and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed. we are here to protect you
if you so desire! we are here to lead you if you wish, your destiny is your hands you can take a move now.
Power,Glory and fame.
Desired by many but achieved by few. Only a Man/Woman with a WILL OF STEAL can walk through flames to achieve the desired outcome.
lean to see the light in darkness…
life cant be seen by the living but by the dead.
I want you to see Me but the more you look, the less you see…
if you want to lean, dont see with your eyes or hear with your ears…stand still and listen…listen to nothing, for in nothingness is a whole new life.
you look at me but you dont see me, in order to see me you must know me, in order to know me you must find me but you wont because I exist not.
I was never here…
I am nothing…
Message from the Lord.
The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic
IT is loftily amusing to the student of magical literature who is not quite a fool — and rare is such a combination! — to note the criticism directed by the Philistine against the citadel of his science. Truly since our childhood has ingrained into us not only literal belief in the Bible, but also substantial belief in Alf Laylah wa Laylah, and only adolescence can cure us, we are only too liable, in the rush and energy of dawning manhood, to overturn roughly and rashly both thes classics, to regard them both on the same level, as interesting documents from the standpoint of folk-lore and anthropology, and as nothing more.
Even when we learn that the Bible, by profound and minute study of the text, may be forced to yield up Qabalistic arcana of cosmic
scope and importance, we are too often slow to apply a similar restorative to the companion volume, even if we are the lucky holders
of Burton’s veritable edition.
To me, then, it remains to raise the Alf Laylah wa Laylah into its
proper place once more.
I am not concerned to deny the reality of all “magical” phenomena;
if they are illusions, they are at least as real as many unquestioned
facts of daily life; and, if we follow Herbert Spencer, they are at least
evidence of some cause.
Now, this fact is our base. What is the cause of my illusion of
seeing a spirit in the triangle of Art?
Every smatterer, every expert in psychology, will answer: “That cause lies in your brain.”
English children are taught (pace the Education Act) that the
Universe lies in infinite Space; Hindu children, in the Akaca, which is
the same thing.
Those Europeans who go a little deeper learn from Fichte, that the
phenomenal Universe is the creation of the Ego; Hindus, or
Europeans studying under Hindu Gurus, are told, that by Akaca is
mean the Chitakaca. The Chitakaca is situated in the “Third Eye,”
i.e., in the brain. By assuming higher dimensions of space, we can assimilate this face to Realism; but we have no need to take so much
This being true for the ordinary Universe, that all senimpressions are dependent on changes in the brain, we must include illusions, which are after all sense-impressions as much as “realities”
are, in the class of “phenomena dependent on brain-changes.”
Magical phenomna, however, come under a special sub-class, since
they are willed, and their cause is the series of “real” phenomena
called the operations of ceremonial Magic.
These consist of:
(1) Sight.
The circle, square, triangle, vessels, lamps, robes, imple-
ments, etc.
(2) Sound.
The invocations.
(3) Smell.
The perfumes.
(4) Taste.
The Sacraments.
(5) Touch.
As under (1)
(6) Mind.
The combination of all these and reflection on their
These unusual impressions (1–5) produce unusual brain-changes;
hence their summary (6) is of unusual kind. Its projection back into
the apparently phenomenal world is therefore unusual.
Herein then consists the reality of the operations and effects of
ceremonial magic, and I conceive that the apology is ample, so far as
the “effects” refer only to those phenomena which appear to the
magician himself,the appearance of the spirit, his conversation,
possible shocks from imprudence, and so on, even to ecstasy on the
one hand, and death or madness on the other.