Questions & Answers for Lantern Books - Ikeja

Here you will find questions & answers for Lantern Books. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
Lantern quantitative reasoning 6, Exercise 12 D. Pls I need help on that
Answer to verbal reasoning bk4 exercise 14
Solution to lantern quantitative reasoning book 5 exercise 12b page 26
Pls what is the answer to exercise 13b,page 28 of quantitative reasoning book 5
Pls I need solution to lantern quantitative page 13 exercise 7b book 5
Please, how is the quantitative reasoning primary 4, exercise 2b solved?
I need answer to basic 5 verbal reasoning exercise 43 number 6
Please I need solutions or answers to lanterns quantitative book 4 Test 16. Page 88. Its really urgent. Before tomorrow.
Please help for the solution to lantern quantitative reasoning book 4 exercise 19d
What is the solution to primary 6 quantitative test 7,example G page 43
I would like to get solution to quantitative reasoning primary 6 page 30, exercise D
How do I get answers for exercise 7b of lantern quantitative book 4?
Please I need the solution to the quantitative reasoning book 4 exercise 8c
I need answers for lantern book 5 steps to quantities reason exercise 13c
How can I solve exercise 6b and 6c on Quantitative reasoning book 4
I need the answer to exercise 15d page 46 for lantern quantitative reasoning book 4
I need answers to exercise 11a,page 29-30,Quantitative reasoning book 4
Please I need answers for quantitative reasoning Book 5 pages 16 and 17
Pls I don't know how to solve test 1 on pg 64 of quantitative reasoning bk 5
Please I need solution to exercise 5B of Quantitative reasoning bk 5
Pls I urgently need exercise 11 page 23 ,page 24 and exercise 12 page25,26 exercise 13 page 27,28 29 of quantitative reasoning book 5
Please, I need answers for book 4, exercise 7b
Pls can I get explanation on exercise 7b page 19 book 4 of lantern.... please someone should help me it’s very confusing,my child brought it back from school
Pls can I get answers to lantern quantitative reasoning book 5 page 50 exercise 22
I need answers to Test1 example A,B,C,D, E, F, G, H of Lantern Quantitative Reasoning for primary 6
Kindly answer the questions in verbal reasoning book5: circle the word that will be in the middle of words in line below if in alphabetical order
Solution to exercise 3 of primary 5 quantitative reasoning lantern
Please can I need answer for test 1a of Quantitative book 6
Please I need solution to lantern quantitative reasoning for primary 4 exercise 2a page 5
Answer to verbal excercise 3 book 4
Please I need answers to exercise 5B quantitative book 5
Solution to exercises on page one of book 5
What's the solution of Test 1 A. Example on Page 1?
Please I need solution to page 105 example B Primary 5 Quantitative Reasoning.
Please I need solutions to exercise 18a page 57 primary 3
I need solutions to questions in pages 84 and 85 of lantern quantitative reasoning book 5
Please I need answers to exercise 18b page 60 for primary 3.
This is the HOS of crystal school at Omole phase 2. How can I get lantern quantitative answers booklets?
Please I need the solution to the lantern quantitative reasoning, book five, pages 42,50,52,55.
I need solution to Lantern Quantitative Reasoning Year 6 for Test 19, question 1 - 5, 31 - 35 and 36 - 40
I want you to help me and explain or solve page 62 exercise 6f primary 4 quantitative reasoning for me?
Question to lantern verbal reasoning 4 page 40 exercise 23
Please I need answer to page67 of quantitative reasoning book 6
Pls what are the answers to the questions on page 84 & 85
Please I need the answer to lantern quantitative reasoning book 4 exercise 7b
Lantern quantitative reasoning for primary 6 test 13G page 80
Please can I get answers on exercise 11a and b page 29 and 30 in quantitative reasoning please
Exercise 24 laten quantitative reasoning book 5
I need the workings of lantern quantitative reasoning for primary 4 exercise 6b
Solve quantitative reasoning for primary 4 exercise 16a

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