Questions & Answers for MUSARIC RICE WHOLESALE LTD - Apapa

Here you will find questions & answers for MUSARIC RICE WHOLESALE LTD. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
What is your minimum order quantity and how much.and the cost transport to ikorodu.
Please whats the minimum quantity you supply to a wholesaler and how much?
How much is rice now for 20 bags and the carriage to magboro after Berger.
Now that borders has been closed on rice, can one still get those foreign products
How much is your caprice and how much will u charge on 20 bags down to ibadan
How much is a bag of rice and how much is your transport fee to Osogbo
What is your minimum order quantity and how much.
What is your payment and delivery terms
How much is the rice and how is it sold?

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