Questions & Answers for UNION REGISTRARS LTD - Lagos

Here you will find questions & answers for UNION REGISTRARS LTD. All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or users.
Union bank declared dividend last year 2020 and this year but l did not receive a dine. Why?
Please, how can I regain my unclaimed dividends?
Please how can I retrieve my lost certificate and outstanding dividends?
Hi I will like to find out what has happened to my mobil oil shares and dividends please?
Please where and how do I get my dividend? I haven't gotten my dividend for sometime now. Thank you.
I have not been receiving dividend since 2005. I will like to know the way forward.
I bought shares from Union Bank of Nig PLC and got dividends notices up to 2008, but since then, no information. What is happening
I've been a share holder with Union Bank since 2005 till date but I've not received any information regarding my shares and divided,so how can I get my divided
I have not received any dividend since 2005. Kindly furnish me with my accrued dividend my no is ********
For years, my mother-in-law and myself have not received any dividend with respect to our shareholdings in Union Bank of Nig. Plc.

When are we going to receive dividends?
Please What Venue is Glaxo Smith Annual General Meeting?

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