Super Gro

Super Gro
About the product
Super Gro is cost effective.

You only need 1ml of Super Gro for every 10 litres of water you use in your fish pond.

How To Use Super Gro For Gardening; Indoor Plants & Lawns.

Add 20ml of Super Gro to 20 litres of water to spray 1/4 acre of land.

Add 200ml of Super Gro to 250 litres of water to spray 1 hectare of land.

This same solution will also work for garden and indoor plants.

Spray on leaves and stems (as in crop plants).

Super Gro can also be used for indoor plants, flower gardens and lawns.

Flowers tended with Super Gro bloom faster, are richer, fresher and more appealing to the eyes. They also do not die quickly because they conserve water on their leaves, stems and roots.

Indoor plants treated with Super Gro last longer in their vases or flower pots.

Lawns nurtured with Super Gro have greener grass and appear richer and more luxurious.

When used together with GNLD Super 10 ( a natural insect repellent), will decrease pests in flowers.

In one experiment, red spider infestation of roses was decreased by 43%.

When used with fungicides, GNLD Super Gro will reduce early blight in flowers.

Powdery mildew in roses was reduced by as much as 35% when Super Gro was used along with crop treatment.
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