About the product
SMEs (Mid-Market) SMBs
A small and midsize business (SMB) is a business that, due to its size, has different IT requirements — and often faces different IT challenges — than do large enterprises, and whose IT resources (usually budget and staff) are often highly constrained.

For the purposes of its research, Gartner defines SMBs by the number of employees and annual revenue they have. The attribute used most often is number of employees; small businesses are usually defined as organizations with fewer than 100 employees; midsize enterprises are those organizations with 100 to 999 employees.

The second most popular attribute used to define the SMB market is annual revenue: small business is usually defined as organizations with less than $50 million in annual revenue; midsize enterprise is defined as organizations that make more than $50 million, but less than $1 billion in annual revenue.

A company profile is a written introduction to a company that tells the reader about its activities, mission, goals and strengths. Often, a company profile includes the story of the company’s founding and describes its products or services. In smaller businesses, the company owner may write a company profile.

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WEARS ( T-shirt,Corporate Dress And Uniforms)
N100,000 & above
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